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There is magic, joy, and wonder awaiting you. All it takes is a shift in your kaleidoscopic perspective to live an entirely different experience.

Curated Programs

Kristina Wiltsee's services and programs are designed to help others heal and find balance. She facilitates the process by using intuitive tools, enhancing dream states, using guided meditations and deeper trance. Kristina is specialized in overthinkers, neurodivergents, victims, villains or reluctant humans and applies the theory that everyone can find happiness and play in our humanness. Tools are within your reach, take time to explore each program Kristina's programs. Looking for something beyond the services and programs below? Contact today to learn how you can create your own curated program.

Not sure which program is the right one for you? Book a complimentary 30 minute exploratory session.

Retreats and Events

Autumn Wildess Weekend Retreat

September 2024, Atlanta, GA. Request info.



Creating your invincible energetic field - October 2024, Labro, Italy. Learn more. 


Inner Villain Cohort

Join the waitlist for updates on 2024 dates. Sign me up!


Labro, Italy

October 6 - 12, 2024
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